The truth of this article is that working in a 9-5 job will rarely make you financially independent. The thought of working another 40 years is absolutely mind boggling to most individuals especially as their parents worked. Most families have financial obligations to raise children and they use that to sustain, support, and justify their lifestyle. If they are able to survive with the income that their households get, then they are at least in kindergarten in terms of understanding that through hard work and consistency, they can do just anything they set their minds to.
It is amazing to me that there are many individuals out there saying that they would love to work for themselves and how much money they would love to make. While you may excited to start your own business, it won't happen if you are wasting time by going into your parent's basement to get your job. This is the reason why a system is needed to allow you to earn an income from an office, get paid on time, and work in the most efficient fashion possible.
In this time of time, are you utilizing the least effective way of earning money? I'm sure you have developed many different opportunities to identify with. The truth is, if you are doing the same thing over and over again, you are probably not getting any results in your life. The trees in life will become the same, thenuclear in life will remain the same. Modeilty and comfort spreads till it becomes a habit that you are not even aware that you are until you start fighting against yourself and others around you.
The number one to most difficult to implement will always be consistency. Most home based businesses fail because of the lack of consistency. Consistently doing something each day to build your business and creating a sub system will only result in destination. Some individuals are great at creating a system, except for staying consistent in it. You must act and overcome each day not just in the approach you are taking, but in your commitment to keep something consistent for at least 30 days before you create any new habit.
I know that you know that building consistent downwards momentum is the single greatest interfaces of 1988 andaby. Once you find the system that works you must implement it consistently. So, today my question to you is this, why even want to do it in the first place? If it isn't for the money, who would give you the money? To pack that into a job is counter-productive.
The truth of your very life is how much money do you really want? Is it enough to sustain your current lifestyle? Many people would give up easily on their dream lifestyle that doesn't include the money they want if it was forthcoming in their daily life. You don't need to be a world renowned investor to know that it would pay your time and money to make the financial situation favorable if you get off the treadmill of life and start living.
But even better than the physical money, is the aspect of confidence. You earn money in great amounts and you consistently create prosperity and make millions of dollars. You want that level of confidence to happen. You want to be free from doubt, so that you are in the zone and your mind is neutral and clear. You've seen these types of businesses at the grocery store nowadays where they have a great layout, and they display everything that you need as well as larger items. They hit the target and they get momentum by doing something positive each day that they build the bank account day after day.
It is time for you to get off the treadmill of life and start taking consistent action today. You need to change the course of direction and create the system to consistently do things each day that create prosperity. You should spend the majority of your day with determination and commitment. Everything you do, positive or negative, will require a certain amount of belief in yourself and there has to be some sort of mental focus or motivation to overral the negativity you face day to day.
The truth is, life is like one big adventure and while you become aware of the excuses that may stop you from living life to your full potential as you should, you get inspired to go about living your life and doing things that you promised yourself you would do at this time in your life. Everyone has regrets not living the dream life that is inside of them. So, get off the treadmill of life and start becoming a more dominant creative thinker. Dissolve brick walls that are SECRETS! All of these tools are developed within you and now is the time to shout "enough is enough of these circumstances in my life and begin living my life in the way that you desire!"
I've been there, need to keep going and I can't afford any more excuses, but stop now before you go off the path! Take opportunity now and realize that plenty is better than nothing.