Get a Website? Web Design? Ask for an Optimizer!

You can write a book on anything over the Internet!  With the right teacher and materials, anyone can create a web page in minimal time.

Why do you need a web page?

It's a great tool to get people in touch with their family and friends in far-away places or even to get in touch with people who never spend time in their homes.  Anyone can create a simple, fun, and stylish website to bring more eyes to their business.  The following sections provide information on each facet that you'll need to have.

Find a Web Host

Log on to the Internet and find a host.  This is the company that stores your computer files for you.  Ask your host for any special requirements you will need in the future.  Also, ask your host if is website builder feature available.  If you need to know the size of your files, ask the host how much disk space you'll need.  For more information get: disk-space-information.html

Basic Information

Your dream's been to become a website designer?  You may be.  However, is that the passion of your heart?  If it isn't, then you need to move on to another career.  You'll need to learn a few basic skills to get started.  The following general information will get you started, but for a complete listing of web design programs visit:

Relationship for Beginners

Would you like to design the website of your dreams?

Perhaps you could make a design and offer a free date to everyone who visits your site?  Just to prove you can do it, tell people where to go and you'll have 10000 hits in no time.  Just kidding, that's quite possible and it's a cool little marketing tool with tremendous potential!

Discouraged by the daunting task ahead?  Learn the basics from a knowledgeable, experienced designer and an online webmaster.  A good resource for website design beginners:

Narrow down your list based on their own web design portfolio, their own graphical design skills, and their rates.  Figure out what you want and ask the designer.  Ask for ideas and favorites of the designer and make sure your really like the style they are seeking for your website.

Remember, look for a designer who can teach you all you need to know and offer all of the tools necessary to create an effective, impressive, professional website for your business.  A good resource for finding a web designer is:

Website Ideas

Brainstorm all the different things you hope to accomplish with your site by listing all the steps you need to take.  Is your website creating you new customers and driving Them to your shop?  Are you planning an event and'd like to have a printable special invitation for folks who do not have an I.D? Are you dreaming up an event to raise money for a charity?  Write it all down now and work with your web designer to make it happen.

The Purpose Driven Website

You have decisions to make regarding what your website will be about.  Do you focus on a local event?  Popular travel destinations? Informative articles?  Perhaps it's informational, catalog, shopping, or you just want people to know you are there.

Define this down on paper and then write it all down.  Then put ideas into your website to enhance the original idea.  It may end up being a home for the new hobbyist or for a new professional.  If it's the latter create the pages to choose the direction you want to achieve. Write the name of the page for each part of the idea, designing the database data.

Set up a date for what you plan to achieve and submit to your web designer for the exact details.  Then start the process of creating local and worldwide web pages.


Navigational menus are a source of confusion and mistakes for new visitors (especially those you just met) and the more menus you have the less chance you have of getting the information your visitors are seeking.  Too many links can be extremely help.  Watch the number of them.  The main things you will need to know is which are the most common items visited and liked, and where it can lead to.  For example, your social bookmarking sharing button may have several different locations on your website.  This can also be a source of confusion.

Multi-level layers

Make sure you are familiar with the design of your hosting platform and know how to create the navigation for the web hosting platform you have chosen.
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