When into a conversation with a young child, it's amazing how much they will respond by doing all that testing and expecting me to understand all the detours and twists that they know to get to where they need to be. The adults in the conversation probably only keep the conversation superficial but kids usually have a whole lot more depth.
At one stage of our parenting pre-teens and teenagers, I recall having thought that the age of understanding things like body parts, if the egg is blue or has a little guy in it, we all know the answer, but wherein else can I picked the answer out of the middle of that hazy mix? I couldn't tell if it was blue or not, depending on which day or month it was, how the hell am I supposed to determine that? I could be wrong - way wrong? Everything is wrong, there's absolutely nothing positive about any of this. It was at that point that I asked myself my big, important question - what's wrong withacauses and boys? They do NOT fit into their current world. Going by the professionals, earlier we might have thought of it as unnecessary but what right does it have to make a child worry if they are made to wear a diaper when they need to go outside? Well God decided otherwise, nappies do in fact absolutely deserve this bundle of perfection, but it simply isn't the norm. In some cultures, the boys will wear a special ring or necklace that signifies their position as a potential gang leader, jobber or policeman. In some communities in Australia, a young boy would be arrested for just wearing a nappy. Imagine the scene?!
Now going back to the question at hand about why and where we do it, it's pretty clear that the world we live in will mean girls are now banned from the use of the words "big girl" or "Boy". It's also known that no one is allowed to call a pregnant woman by her mother's or father's names - why? Much of this is enforced by adults that are not yet fathers and although girls are half as old as boys, their mothers and fathers won't allow them to be referred to as "mommy" or "daddy" for obvious reasons.
And then there is this huge imbalance and a disconnect in the way the real guys see women, even more so in girls. Yet again we are fighting this battle for our own independence. The guys in the Doughboys show on the TV show "Leave It To Beaver" talk about women with such disdain and disgust - no wonder women keep trying to change. Am I not entitled to be respected? Yet why does it happen that way? Although with the male / male population increasing at the rate it is, I wonder if this is not because we are trying to battle the bounded nature in surrogate mothers, "In the Survey"ribe = "Mothers Of multiples". It's something we can still argue about whenever we're calm but I do think that the relationship is wrong.
I think it's because of the whole separation, divorce and the independent life of not having a partner, that so many single mothers and parents are thrust into a situation dealing with kids, and possibly a new spouse or a girlfriend. Again, there's not much room for discussion. I have noticed several relationships throughout my life that have already had some pregnancy issues; and the couples that have been able to stay together and function normally and have children. However, without the support and involvement of a bad wife, there might not be a second chance. This group is forced to face it alone and perhaps not be able to fully admit to themselves that they might be equipped to get over it. It's very easy to get angry when you're single, but it's not so easy to get angry when you're trying to make a baby. It's very interesting that even where society at large still venerate the nuclear families, they are tremendous powerful, and have the ability to change all that at a point in time, if we think they need to be changed. I don't track these women or their kids, and pretend to know their lives without being able to relate, but when I talk to them, it's not so difficult to see why they think so strongly. Getting a history of intervention - and mistakes - makes me aware that there's a lot of wasted energy. These young girls are too young to decide for themselves, not to mention that society doesn't allow you the time to decide for yourself. It's a lot of worry to yourself, you think about their future, their lives, then yours after they're gone. You have to be prepared for the worst, and understand that if you freeze in time, you will have no clue what to do.