In any transformation process, the most talked about aspect is education. Being a hammier than any other, I always ask my clients where they see themselves in 5 years time if they can see themselves doing what they need to do until they have achieved their goals/ objective.
Though parents have different mission, goals and objectives with their children, I witnessed something which I will share:
This is what I experienced in the classroom with my children which greatly contributed to their adult learning process:
Many parents, teachers and caretakers have the idea that if their children are sick, they become sick. The question is not whether the child/children are sick. Rather the question is 'Why are you sick?' Children become sick by domain due to the environment where they live; the type of food they eat, the nutrients they get and the health facts available.
If we want to become healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and morally, we must begin from the very beginning to teach our children the perspective of a healthy person. We should not wait for a grandson or grandchild to come and set our minds. It is very advisable to just get our own mind right. Keep on educating and educating yourself by reading the best books that will help you become a successful person. The books are our gateway to the whole process of health and kingdom of God.
Education is a crucial factor in any person to be used for his/her benefit and development. It is an aspect and not a pathway to the Stretch ability. People are stupid. We should see children behaving properly, showing maturity, displaying self control and courage, losing the patience of the silly. It is through education that we learn to control our anger and to provide good and alternative ideas to get to the right destination.
The three most important reasons:- To keep you aligned with your God- to teach your children what is a healthy and good life and to teach them the right way- to get them to obey the right teacher and to make the world a perfect place for them to live in after they go
Security, wellness and inclination towards right path
Education is the best and the right path to your success in any individual life. Your success is up to you. If you are an educational practitioner, then get involved in the process of education to get hands on experience and teach your child/children the very principles and concept of a happy, healthy and mentally able Society, that will help you to be successful. This will also make sure that your child/children get proper and right direction in their life as well. This is important to ascertain because it is your children that will strive to make their businesses successful and not you. Remember also that education will make you happy also. So you will not miss out in the process.
It matters that because behind every success, there is education. You cannot expect the educational quotient to flourish in a child unless you do the ill thing of getting education so that you can teach them how to run a family and a satellite family soon enough. Theiste$$$$ Principal of Pakistan Westminster University, Empire University (rentices PL), Iqbal Knowledge materials", immensely believes in the humanity of the child. If you are successful and righteous in your education and have good health as a mother of four children living in Lagos, Nigeria, then you need to become a good person, emotionally, mental, physically and spiritually. Education will be fruitful there.
Education is definitely about positive thinking. Education develops positive thinking as it helps to develop a positive lifestyle.
As a child of GOD, you were expected to be all-round. It is a must to give importance to your education because it will help you to be all round. accruing the qualities in a way, shape and form. It will open the door for you to get the much-delightful things, but you have to work for it. Education will make sure you achieve all round success and achieve the aim of stability, wellness, wealth and gain.
We have to be indelibly convinced about education, siblings, dreams and possibilities. The most preferred and the most developed floor in society is the floor of education. Where it is shown to the world that it is achievable, why it is not readily available. Understand that education never completely shuts out you to start a circle of retraining. It still remains a must. The more steps you develop, the wider your circle of influence will open.
A leader is an example of a person who attains his successes by implementing the better principles of his business, working entirely on his own personality and habits. He does not blame others for his failures or for those things that are beyond his control. He takes responsibility for them.